Our Practice

Our philosophy is to provide a “medical home” with comprehensive medical care for the whole family in an uncomplicated, small setting with easy access.
We are a solo, private practice. Patients will see only Dr. Zwaan as scheduled, requested or needed. You will benefit from continuity of care and access to Dr. Zwaan. He will direct you to any ancillary services or additional medical care as needed. Most services are conveniently available in the area.
“Private practice” means we are self-employed. We are not paid by any other means or larger entities. We started this practice with the hope that the “old fashioned” small practice is an improvement from the current model of employed physician groups, for both patient and physician. Dr. Zwaan has privileges at Exeter Hospital.
Experienced Physician
Seacoast area physician since 1997. Solo, independent medical practice since 2004.
Professional & Friendly Staff
Laurie and Ann Marie are here to be helpful in any way we can.
Same Day Appointments
We allow time to see patients on a same-day basis. Log in to the portal or call the office in the morning to ensure availability.
Practice Policies:
Health care is a cooperative effort. I will provide you with medical care (which includes being “on call” for emergencies), including treatment, advice and information. In return, I expect you to provide me with all information relevant to your health and to make an effort to improve or maintain your health. This will include regular well exams (physicals) at least once every three years, mostly to remain connected and up to date on routine health maintenance. I also advise and expect continuous effort to minimize self-destructive behaviors, such as smoking, excessive alcohol and overeating.
If an appointment is made, we expect you to keep it. In general, we will not call to remind you of appointments. If your email is correct, and does not block us, you will receive reminders. Call to cancel if you are unable to make your appointment or use the portal. The office retains the right to bill you for missed appointments in the absence of a timely notification or explanation.
Please familiarize yourself with the rules of your insurance plan. If necessary, call your insurance company regarding requirements or options. Some insurances require referrals or authorizations in advance of care, or they may need to be performed in a limited network. Your insurance may limit our ability to accomplish special testing or some referrals. It is your responsibility to know and understand the requirements of your particular plan. Keep us informed of any changes to your insurance.
Family Physicians can provide most of your medical needs, and when necessary guide you to the appropriate specialist, as well as coordinate your care. If you have an appointment with a specialist that is a follow-up or has been previously discussed, contact us and allow 1-2 working days to properly authorize the referral. If we need more information, we may ask you to schedule a visit.
Prescription refills are best handled during a visit. Bring your medications or a list to the appointment to avoid errors. As a rule prescription refills are not normally granted if a patient has not been seen in the last 12 months. Ask your pharmacist or insurance regarding prescription formulary questions or cheaper alternatives. Allow 24-48 hours for refill requests.
FAA examinations and other occupational exams are payable prior to services rendered regardless of exam result.
An annual administrative fee of $200/person or $300/household is required for primary care access. All care is provided based on time and complexity at a rate of $50/15 minutes, at the discretion of Dr. Zwaan.
We do not bill commercial insurances for you. Instead, we will provide you with documentation that you can submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement. We will bill you directly for Dr. Zwaan’s services based on time and complexity at a rate of $50/15 minutes.
Dr. Zwaan has opted out of medicare. Medicare beneficiaries are invited to receive care on a private contract (cash) basis. Medicare beneficiaries cannot be reimbursed by their insurance for Dr. Zwaan’s services, so this is a true out-of-pocket expense. All other medical services should be covered by Medicare as usual. Check our “forms” section to review our private contract, and call us if you have any questions.
Practicing medicine in the 21st century is challenging, especially for the primary care physician. As impersonal as these office, insurance and billing policies may seem, they are absolutely necessary.

For lifelong health and wellness
Same Day Appointments Available.

Give Us a Call
e-mail Dr. Zwaan
Office Location
19 Hampton Road, Suite One
Exeter, NH 03833
Secure Patient Portal
Established patients can log into the Updox portal to:
- send and review messages
- review reports
- request refills and referrals
- request, confirm or cancel appointments
- make payments